css394 events12 - add an event
How to add an event
Quick and easy
Just follow the steps below.
1. It’s free
It’s free to send your event, and it costs nothing if we decide to publish it.
2. Events we publish
Event must be live at a venue, not virtual or online.

Location must be in Washington state.

We focus on major annual events, plus art, music, culture, and cuisine.

Please submit your biggest and best events that people travel long distances to attend.

3. What to send
We don’t need a fancy letter, just some basic facts.
4. Where to send it

Write us at this email address:
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5. What happens next
We’ll definitely read your email, but we receive too many submissions to reply. If your event is perfect for our readers, we’ll publish it a week or two before it occurs.
6. FYI
We generally don’t publish:

Thank you for thinking of us!